The Holocaust Story

If the Holocaust was an event in history, it should be open to the routine critical examination to which all other historical events are open. Those who feel it right to argue against the “unique monstrosity” of the Germans should be free to do so. No one should be imprisoned for thought crimes. Contrary to how Hollywood and the Israeli-Firsters have it, the Holocaust story is not about Jews. It’s about Jews and Germans together, inseparable, for all time to come.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Account of the First Hearing – Regional Court Mannheim, 08.11.05

This is the best individual account of the theatrical opening day of the trial of Ernst Zundel for revisionist thought crimes that has crossed my desk.


By Markus Haverkamp -

Dear all - the attachment contains a brief account of the first day in the hearings against Ernst Zündel in Mannheim, Germany. Please forward! Best wishes, Markus Haverkamp

On Tuesday morning roughly 80 supporters of Ernst Zündel and 35 representatives of the media met at the Regional Court Mannheim, a court notorious for its zeal and fervour in persecuting Revisionists. The atmosphere was extraordinarily pleasant, the supporters having come from as far as Canada, the UK, France and Switzerland.

Following the usual security procedures by the police, who were very friendly indeed, the hearing began shortly after 09.00 when the judge, Dr. Meinerzhagen, his two colleagues and two jurors entered the courtroom. Ernst Zündel, wearing a blazer and tie, made a healthy and confident impression; he was represented by Miss Sylvia Stolz, whom Ernst Zündel had appointed as his mandatory lawyer, as well as Jürgen Rieger and Dr. Herbert Schaller (Austria) as his lawyers of choice. Miss Stolz’ assistant was Horst Mahler. Ernst Zündel was thus represented by possibly the most experienced and highly qualified team of lawyers for dealing with Holocaust persecution and nationalism.

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  • At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    All this is just like Hitlers Germany.
    I should know I was born and raised there.
    The only real difference is Hitler and his gang were up front with their aims while this present bunch of two faced zealots are undermining any freedom we could have again, under the pretence of their so-called justice.
    Not even Hitler and his cohorts had the nerve trying to prosecute "THOUGHT CRIMES".

  • At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am sorry to say I am not as courageous as Mr. Zundel.
    Unfortunately our governments are just as restrictive when being politically incorrect as Germany.


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