The Holocaust Story

If the Holocaust was an event in history, it should be open to the routine critical examination to which all other historical events are open. Those who feel it right to argue against the “unique monstrosity” of the Germans should be free to do so. No one should be imprisoned for thought crimes. Contrary to how Hollywood and the Israeli-Firsters have it, the Holocaust story is not about Jews. It’s about Jews and Germans together, inseparable, for all time to come.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Innocent abroad

PunditGuy's blog for October 18, 2005, describes his recent visit to Dachau. It's a pretty scary place, according to him, but he was prepared:
I haven’t studied much of the history of the Holocaust. I have visited the Anne Frank Museum in Amsterdam, I’ve been to the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, and yes, I’ve watched Schindler’s List.
After some other comments, he gets to the heart of the matter:
I focused on two places. The Crematorium and the maintenance building. On my way to the Crematorium building, I couldn’t help but think about all of the people who lived here, worked here, suffered here and died here.

Walking just outside the camp and through a gate, I came upon this building. It looks rather plain actually, but it was nothing ordinary at all. It was here that tens of thousands of people died.

There is only one picture showing the Dachau Crematorium in operation. It was taken illegally by a prisoner, but it survived and is now the single representation of the horrors that occurred here. There are two rooms inside this building that are the most difficult to visit in the entire camp. The first is the gas chamber. And the second place is the room containing the ovens. No one talks much in here. There really isn’t a whole lot to say. It’s mostly a place to reflect. A place to remember. A place which must never exist again. In the back of the Crematorium, you’ll find this memorial. It was here where the ashes of thousands of those killed at Dachau were dumped by the Nazi SS.
Unless my memory is faulty, neither Anne Frank or Schindler's List had anything to do with Dachau. That leaves the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as the source for the canard that there was a homicidal (what Robert Faurisson would call a "Nazi") gas chamber at Dachau. Bradley's been to the USHMM and maybe he can chime in, regarding what they say about the Nazi gas chamber at Dachau, but two possibilities suggest themselves to me.
First, the USHMM does leave visitors with the impression that there was a Nazi gas chamber at Dachau. For what it's worth, they appear to be trying to square the circle on this issue. Its website states:
There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.
If they were more forthright, it would of course state that there is no credible evidence that there was a Nazi gas chamber at Dachau, as virtually no serious historian now maintains that there was such a construct there.

Second, PunditGuy has become so steeped in Holocaust "knowledge" from the media's daily pounding of the Holocaust drum that he no longer knows why he knows what he thinks he knows about the Holocaust, and turning to the high priests of the Holocaust myth is not the way to get straight information.

Ironically, this type of muddled thinking seems worse among the "elite" such as PunditGuy (my dictionary defines "pundit" as "an expert in a particular subject or field who is frequently called on to give opinions about it to the public"). If you ask the average person about Dachau or the Holocaust, you get pretty vague answers. Most persons just don't care. But self-appointed experts -- hey, they've seen Schindler's List! -- cling to Holocaust falsehoods as if they were life itself.


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